Dear Parents and Carers
In the run up to Christmas, please be aware that if your child or anyone in your household has a new cough, high temperature, a loss or change in taste or smell or are generally unwell, your child should please remain off school and at home for 14 days in order to protect all our children, families and staff at school. If we get a positive case in school now, everyone will have to self-isolate and be apart from their families at Christmas. Please note, absences for this reason will not affect your child’s attendance but please do remember to let school know. Thank you
Christmas Dates at a Glance
Friday |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Christmas Jumper Day
Christmas Crafts |
Traditional Christmas Lunch
No Buddies After School Club |
Class Christmas and Birthday Parties |
Last Day of Term
Christmas Movie Morning
Children Singing Carols around the Christmas Tree
Children finish at usual times 3pm or 3.15pm
School Closed for Christmas Holidays |
Children are invited to wear
Christmas Jumpers / non-uniform
from Friday 11th December onwards.
Please no dressing up clothes and children should be dressed warm.
Please remember coats and sensible shoes for outside play. Thank you.