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School Uniform

School Uniform


School uniform helps us feel that we are part of the school and all children are encouraged to wear the school colours:



Winter:                    Navy blue sweatshirt, sweater or cardigan; (either with or without logo)

                    White polo shirt.

                              Grey skirt, pinafore dress or trousers

                     (Nursery children only may wear grey/black or navy blue jogging style trousers)


Summer:                 Navy blue sweatshirt, sweater or cardigan; (either with or without logo)

                   White polo shirt.

                             Grey skirt, pinafore dress, trousers or shorts.

                   (Nursery children only may wear grey, black or navy blue jogging trousers)       

                   Blue and white checked dress.


Please:                   Sensible low heeled school shoes in either black ,grey or navy blue.- no boots or trainers

                            Please no jewellery – if earrings are worn they must be plain studs.





Children are required to have a plain white T-shirt and navy blue or black plain shorts.  They will need plimsolls or trainers (and long jogging bottoms if preferred) for outside games.  These should be kept in a bag on their peg in the cloakroom.

Nursery children do not require a PE kit.


Please ensure that all uniform is clearly marked with your child’s name.

                                                                                                    Thank you.


Embroidered uniform is available:


  • Uniform Direct on the High Street, Lincoln (between the railway crossing and iceland)


Plain uniform is available from all supermarkets (Tesco, Asda, Sainsburys etc); High Street

Stores (Next, Marks and Spencers etc) or Uniform Direct Shop either on the High Street or on-line.
