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Nursery - Terrific Turtles Mrs Parker and Mrs Bignell

A big welcome to our 

Terrific Turtles

 Nursery Class Page


Mrs Parker and Mrs Bignell

Miss Keilty, Miss Walker,

Miss Smith and Mrs Wolski


Nursery Graduation 2024

Favourite Five

Our Topic this term is 'Jump'

Favourite Five

Favourite Five Spring Term

Easter Celebration

Favourite Five January 2024

Favourite Five

Our previous topics and favourite fives this year.......

Favourite Five

Last year in Nursery

Last Music Bugs for children going into Reception!

This week during reduce reuse recycle week we have taken part in a drama session with Becci from Debutots, we have looked at the story of Michael Recycle who was a superhero and then made our own turtle as a group using recycled materials. We have used recycled materials in the dough at the water tray and in art. We chatted with Vanessa (workshop) about how we could help to save the planet as Michael Recycle is trying to do!

Our previous topics this term..........

Nursery Graduation

Favourite Five Term 6

Stem week

Fun in the sun in the first week back to nursery!

Drumming workshop

Our Favourite Five during Spring Term

Favourite Five Spring Term

Creating fruit salads, using our smell taste and touch to choose our fruit, then using knife skills safely to chop and create.

We love music in nursery!

Making Banana Bear Toast Using Knife Skills!

Fun filled first week back to nursery, making new friends along the way.

Getting ready for Christmas

Favourite Five For This Term

Favourite Five

Ice experiment

Baking Gingerbread Cookies

When the Sensory Bus came to School

Celebrating Diwali painting our Diva Lamps

Rangoli pattern to welcome good luck into to our class

Colour mixing using shaving foam and drops of colour.

We had a great time on Dress Up Day!

Using a story in Nursery to talk about how we are all different and unique but all have a heart. we are never too young to have a love of reading and lovely to see our reading areas beyond the classroom being used and enjoyed #welovereading

Fabulous fun in Nursery....

Our previous topics this year............

Favourite Five September 2021

Fine motor jobs in various forms

Making leaf crowns

Autumn investigation Tray

Autumn has begun, Creating Owls using Autumn leaves, Printing with fruit and vegetables and looking at Natural Autumn objects and Animals in our Autumn tray.

Baking for MacMillan cancer morning

Lots of learning happening in our second week, All safe happy and settled ready to explore our new environment.

First day back into Nursery September 2021, lots of fun lots of chatting and so many happy faces!

Favourite Five This Term

Baking Rock Buns so much fun, enjoying using our senses, learning to mix chop and weigh, so many opportunities for enhancing language and the best part of all eating them and of course sharing with adults around school!

Shell mosaic using salt dough - lots of sticky fun! 

Fun in the sun splash splash!

Number Time! 

Look at us.  We can order our numbers.

Dressing up

This skill provides so many learning opportunities: Dressing, undressing, imagination, language, negotiation, sharing and best of all fun!



Being scientists is fun - making volcanoes that explode and fizz!

Fun in the Rock Pool. 

What can you see and smell? So many language opportunities.

Programming Bee Bots using positional language.

Outside Investigations

Making Healthy Fruit Salad

PE outside

Creating minibeasts with healthy dried fruit

Looking at the lifecycle of a Frog

Looking at the lifecycle of a Butterfly

Planting Seeds watch them grow

Handprint spider with a web made by sewing.

Favourite Five this term

January 2021

Please follow the link below for our Home Learning Page.

Getting Ready for Nursery

Our Favourite Five Books This Term are ...


Chinese New Year 

This week in nursery we have been looking at how the Chinese new year is celebrated, We have created dragons, drums and even wrote "happy New Year" in Chinese. We recreated a dragon dance and looked at various different homes such as palaces.



As part of our mental health week we are starting our day playing with dough to music, other activities to encourage mindfulness include meaningful stories, lots of chatting and team games, bubbles and bath bombs, colouring and yoga with lots of outside time too.



New Outside Toys 

Being Scientists 

Looking at what happens to gingerbread persons as we immerse them in milk, soapy water, vinegar and vegetable oil. Lots of opportunity for language, questions and discussion.

Favourite Five This Term




All stories can be found on you tube if you do not have the books at home.

Oi Goat

New Displays In The Terrific Turtles Class

Christmas fun in Nursery! laugh
Great fun decorating the shaving foam Christmas tree with paint and pipettes, then mixing the colours together to create new colours.
Melting snowman today (sticky bricks) - a wintery bit of science in the Terrific turtle class today!
Squeezing toothpaste is a tricky job but good for our motor skills and great for making patterns and trying to form the first letter of our name. yes
Celebrating all the birthdays in November ...... party time laugh #bubbles #balloons #dancemusic
Busy turtles today, model making, sticking and a great way to get the boys mark making underneath the table!
Making friendship charms this morning to put on our friends book bag. All about anti bullying week!
Crushing cereal with a rolling pin.  “Why aren’t we eating them?” ask the children! laugh
Today in Nursery we had toast and we learnt how to use a knife safely to spread the topping of our choice. We then sat with our friends to enjoy - yummy!
Marble runs are popular at the moment in Terrific Turtles Class. Today we are making one on a large scale using conkers. Lots of collaboration and experimentation with different sized tubes.
Making poppies as a symbol of remembrance and hope for a peaceful future.
Scissor skills this morning, cutting the trolls hair, so important to keep practising!

Lots of safe outdoor play

Baking Biscuits
Lots of safe outdoor play today. smiley
Exploring clay today making patterns and using lots of rich language to describe.
Artist at work inside and bug hunters outside today in the Terrific Turtles nursery class.
Squashing blackberries..... so much fun and lots of different patterns on the paper.
Mark making outside today! 😊
Autumn is here!

Making a scarecrow

Looking for Autumn treasures.

Apples picked from the school tree baked then chopped and mashed.

A Busy Start to the new Term.

Our past topics ......
