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School Admission Appeals - Further details available here

Appeals Timetable:

Lincolnshire County Council 

                                                                   Primary schools


National offer day                                     16 April 2024


Deadline for an appeal to be received          Noon 14 May 2024



Appealing a school place decision should only be done if you have already applied:

  • for a school place for the September intake and have been refused a place at a school.
  • to move schools for an in-year place and have been refused a place at a school


Appealing a school place is different from applying for a school place.

You can only appeal for a place at the schools you listed on your application form.

If your child has an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan and you are not happy with the school named on your plan, please get in touch with your caseworker.


Infant class size appeals

Where an infant class (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) has 30 children already, panels are limited on what they can consider at an appeal


School transport

It is your responsibility to find out about your options for school transport if you have been offered a place at a school you didn't list on your application


Moving house

If you have moved house, you must send us proof of your new residency. We may have used your old address to process the application if you did not meet the deadline for providing this proof.

Your appeal panel will review the details of your case at the time the decision was made.


Service personnel and crown servants

Different rules may apply for the armed forces and crown servants.






Please contact the school on 01522 520591 or by email to for further information and guidance.  Thank you.
