Shiver me timbers and splice the mainbrace! This week the Jellyfish Bubble enjoyed the story A New Home for a Pirate. They designed and made pirate hats and eye patches and learned to speak like pirates.
The Jellyfish Bubble have been exploring the story of The Rainbow Fish this week with Mrs Ashberry and Miss Bell. They have created under the sea collages, explored mixing shades of blue paint to create an ocean background and written sentences to describe how Rainbow Fish looked, felt and moved. Fantastic!
Wow some great work from these two girls. Well done Hannah and Grace.
Watch out for that crocodile!!
A wonderful Fathers Day card, some great numbers made from playdough and a spot of gardening in the sunshine - looks fabulous Ayana. Thank you for the lovely pictures.
Macey has smashed her 2x tables thanks to “hit the button” She’s even asked to do her 3x Way to go Macey!
Kai's beetroot plants are growing well. You are doing a great job looking after them Kai.
Wow - some amazing writing from Sara! She has written a wonderful description of her super cute guinea pig We are very impressed Sara, well done.
Kai has made Elmer! 🐘 He is fabulous Kai - great job.
Wow Lily's courgettes are really growing well, a big difference from a couple of weeks ago 🌱😊
Some lovely creative art and fabulous tower building from Maja
Amazing - Charlie has used the 3 little pig puppets and made some houses out of paper, sticks and bricks to tell the story with. Super job Charlie!
Kamile enjoying some home reading. We are super happy you are enjoying it Kamile.
Hannah has been doing some wonderful work about poetry and geography. Lovely work Hannah
WOW a super fabulous rocket experiment Hannah! Amazing and we love your super safety equipment too. Great job! 🚀
Super writing Grace! You have been busy and looks like it has been lots of fun.
Sara has done some fabulous home learning all about continents. Well done Sara - we are super impressed! 🌍
An amazing colour experiment with Lily!
Ayana has been having fun learning with patterns. She has also done some fabulous rock painting to make some personalised gratitude rocks.
Some amazing writing from Hannah and Grace and it looks like they have been having lots of fun too.
Hannah has been making some amazing bread and discovering some fabulous experiments with yeast. We are very impressed with her super poster. Great work Hannah!
Grace has really enjoyed all of the measuring this week. She has even measured things out in cm with a ruler after putting them in size order. Fabulous!
Beautiful dream catchers from Maja
Casey and Scarlett have been making unicorns and Alfie has made some dinosaurs. Fantastic!
Sara has done some fabulous baking following Mrs Lees video lesson. We are very impressed too with your yeast fermentation poster Sara!
Bianca has been painting for the NHS. What a lovely idea Bianca
Oooooo Maja - these look very yummy! What lovely tasty treats.
Anas and Arun having fun!
Anastasia has been busy creating a model of her neighbourhood. We love it Anastasia - great job!
Wow - what a beautiful Dream Catcher Leja. Well done
We love getting your pictures of you enjoying our home learning activities. Maja has certainly been doing that - some fabulous pictures Maja and we are really pleased that you have been doing and enjoying our video lessons!
Some beautiful pictures from Ayana. How amazing is your solar system! 🌌
Lily has been busy planting some courgette plants. We cannot wait to see how big they grow Lily!
Kai has been very busy. He has created a fabulous orange using Hama beads, been exploring word searches and has planted some beetroot seeds. We look forward to seeing them grow Kai!
Great Fleggybob Leja
Happy Birthday Jaxson 🎉
We have loved getting these fabulous pictures of your VE Day celebrations.
Kai went for a long walk with his dog Mossy. He saw a heron and managed to get some nice photos of it too.
Charlie has recently been learning how to ride a bike without stabilisers and has been enjoying daily bike rides on his new bike. 👍
Fabulous 3D shapes Maja!
A fun day with Lily and Macey - some amazing fish using mosiac bricks and a bit of PE with Joe.
Margaux is being kept very busy at home looking after her chickens 🐓 She has found time for a little bit of lego too!
Some super neat handwriting.
It looks like Maja had a wonderful birthday! 🎈
Some amazing 3D shapes from Sara 😊 We are very impressed and super happy that you are using and enjoying our home learning videos.
Some super star writing all about bears. Well done Grace.
Kamile has made her very first dumplings! She has also drawn a lovely picture of their family bike ride. Great job Kamile.
Archie is busy concentrating on his work book and has also coloured a wonderful caterpillar picture. 🐛 I wonder if it will turn into a beautiful butterfly? 🦋
Jaxson is super proud of himself and so are we - our super Star of the Week 🌟 💫
We all may not be at school but we are still celebrating our fantastic children. Well done Jaxson!
Some amazing super turtles art work from one of our amazing Terrific Turtles! Fantastic art Scarlett.
Wow Leja has done a great job with her 3D shape and must have followed the instructions in Mrs Lees video lesson really carefully. Fantastic Leja!
Great work Anas! Some fabulous counting.
We are really pleased that Charlotte shared her fantastic writing with us. Great work Charlotte, we are very proud of your super handwriting
Casey-Jade is certainly looking very busy with some amazing home learning. Super work!
Alfie has been doing some super helping at home - he is a super star at putting all his crayons back in the pot.
Some lovely pictures from Ayana and we are super impressed that she has been doing some of Mrs Lees fabulous science work! Fantastic to see you using and enjoying the home learning.
Lucas has been doing some great writing and is enjoying creating with his amazing 'no mess glitter'!
What a wonderful very hungry caterpillar!
Alex is having lots of fabulous fun in the sand and sunshine 😃
Some super star handwriting and picture all about The Magic Faraway Tree. Fanatastic!
Maja has been very creative outside. We love your fabulous outside art studio and what a fantastic end result.
We are very impressed with Sara's Herbarium work. Great work Sara and you rightly look very proud of your lovely work.
A-MAZ-ING !!! A perfect picture of video lessons at their very best. It makes us super happy to see our lessons being used and enjoyed. Thank you
The beautiful sunshine is making for some amazing fun. Chocolate and a wonderful smile - perfect!
Wow Jaxson - we are really impressed with your great number work this morning. Well done.
Family fun and some great maths measuring going on too. Love the bubbles!
Great tower Grace! How tall can you build?
Some amazing home learning pictures from Hannah We love the hands on, practical learning.
Some fabulous baking with Margaux - Yummy! The Great British Bake Off awaits Margaux
Miss Green enjoying the sunshine with her family pets 🐾🐾
Kai is keeping busy with lots of learning with his brother Zane's help, baking and playing on his trampoline. He is enjoying his daily exercise with wonderful walks or bike rides.
Kai story.mp4
Lucas is doing some amazing home learning and some wonderful artwork too. We love the rainbows and the fabulous rainbow path!
Ayana is keeping wonderfully busy at home; some fabulous art work and baking and a spot of gardening for calming and fun exercise. Great pictures Ayana! ☺
Migle enjoying her 6th birthday at home 🎂 🎈 We all hope you had a wonderful day Migle!
Ronnie enjoying the garden and being wonderfully creative. Great job Ronnie!
Casey-Jade, Scarlett and Alfie are having lots of fun in their garden ball pit and have been baking some fabulous chocolate flake cakes! Yummy 😋
Mrs Wilson and Mrs Rice have been busy colouring. Why not share your art work or colouring with us too!
Amazing salt dough making (using great maths measuring skills!) to produce this wonderful tiger🐯
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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