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Year 1 Super Starfish Class Mrs Taylor-Benton

Welcome to the

Super Starfish 

Class Page

🌟✨ 🌟✨🌟


We look forward to working together and hope to have

lots of fun this year.



Mrs Taylor-Benton

Class Teacher 

Teaching Assistants - Mrs Brazier and Miss Clarkson

Our topic this term is....

'Do all superheroes wear capes?'


Last year in the Super Starfish Class.......

Year 1 had a great Jigsaw lesson today, learning what we can do to help people who are poorly. We looked at healthy and unhealthy choices.

Some amazing independent writing during Read, Write Inc. 

Year 1 worked really hard in their toolkit lesson all about mass and volume!

World book day in the Starfish class!

We have had a very special visitor for #WorldBookDay2024 … Poacher from

Lincoln City Football Club came to deliver some wonderful books for school. Thank you Poacher and Coach Tom.

In computing today Year 1 enjoyed using the computers to create a self portrait on purple mash.

Year 1 really enjoyed their visit from Mrs Ahmed today. The visit really helped us to understand Muslim’s different beliefs. We even got to experience the routine Muslims must follow before they worship.

Starfish have been working really hard during our maths lesson today! We challenged our partner to estimate using a number line!  

The base 10 from the Y1 class went missing today! It turned out the whale in our classroom had eaten all of the ones! We worked together to find the most effective way of counting how many he had eaten. We found counting in groups of 10 the most efficient!

Year 1 worked really hard to follow their designs and create an algorithm for their space race in computing !

Amazing writing from this Year 1 today!

Starfish class worked really hard to create posters to show people what they can do to stay safe online.

Today in Starfish, we finished our puppets. We evaluated our puppets by discussing how successful our joining method were and looking at how well we followed our designs. We have really enjoyed our DT topic!

Starfish have been following their own designs, to create their puppets. They persevered when things got tricky! Well Done Starfish

Year 1 and 2 worked really hard on their #NumberDay challenges in the Starfish classroom!

Our Trip to Lincoln Castle

Today Seahorses, starfish and Dolphins had a virtual visit from Claire Freedman, author of Aliens Love Underpants! The children asked some great questions.

Today KS1 have been remembering the names of the different armour pieces a knight wore by designing there own knight Barbie!!

Growing with Branston Potatoes

We love books! We visited our local library as part of our World Book Day celebrations.  We really enjoyed looking at all the new books. 

We have finished our computing unit by creating an algorithm to make a jam sandwich. We had to do a bit of debugging to get the perfect, tasty treat!

Starfish had a great time at Gymnastics today.

We have been creating pictures to consolidate our learning on 2D shapes!

A super fun toolkit lesson this morning for year 1 - discovering all things shape!

Some super consolidation of addition and subtraction! yes

This afternoon Starfish have practised their cutting skills and began to cut out the pieces for their soft toy.

We will remember them. heart

Starfish loved their first session at Lincoln Gymnastics today.

The children have enjoyed choosing books & toys at our ‘Swap Shop’ today to round off our reduce, reuse, recycle week.

What great junk modelling from year 1&2 today - a butterfly, a rocket and even a violin! Turning our rubbish into something new!

We had great fun in Lego club today building Lego marble mazes. Some fantastic designs and amazing teamwork! Well done master builders!!!

Great hockey skills. Well done!

Our previous topics this school year ....

Colour mixing and foil pressing fun to make our own textured moons today. 

Star jump for an adjective or jump up and down for a noun- some fab active learning in literacy and language today! yes

Can you use a cup as a telephone? Yes you can! Today starfish found out that hearing is a sense, and sound travels in waves to our ear. 

This afternoon, Starfish and Dolphin class have been exploring different finishing techniques in DT and evaluating which was our favourite!

Starfish are super scientists! Do people with bigger feet have larger hands? 

Year 1 have been learning how to login into Purple Mash safely and how to save their work themselves- Super work year 1!

Archery, meditation, lego, art, singing and water play-just some of the activities happening in our weekly wellbeing afternoon.

Starfish have enjoyed using our new reading areas - reading is dreaming with your eyes open!

Our Super Starfish! smiley

Our previous topics this year........

Last year in the Super Starfish Class ......

January 2021

Please follow the link below for our Home Learning Page.

It’s Christmas party time! yes
Decorating our Christmas biscuitssmiley
Christmas fun in the Starfish Class! laugh
We have had some lovely Muck, Mess and Mixture home learning projects!
We have made our own chocolate bars inspired by Jackson Pollock.
Creating Art in different ways. smiley
Christmas has come early in the Starfish Classroom. laugh
Some great Science investigations in Starfish today - we are busy testing materials.
I know who my trusted adults are.
Getting messy in Art today! laugh
We have been learning how to lead an Orchestra 
We have been getting messy in Art creating pictures using bubbles and shaving foam
Super proud of this young man for showing resilience, enthusiasm and sheer enjoyment in all his learning. A well deserved Headteachers Award. smiley
We have been creating food landscapes inspired by Carl Warner.
We have been making some great firework pictures!
The Starfish Class have been learning how to use the part-whole model. yes

We had fun creating our avatars on Purple Mash. 👫

The Starfish Class have been learning about the different parts of our bodies! yes

Some fabulous learning during Power Maths today. AMAZING!!

Circle time games in the Starfish Class 😊
Our past topics.......
