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The Curriculum Design Statement


What is the Bracebridge Curriculum Intent?


Here at Bracebridge Infant and Nursery School, the curriculum is designed with our school motto 'Being the best we can be' in mind


Our curriculum is underpinned by four key drivers:

1. Ensuring every child a reader

2. Celebrating diversity

3 .Seeking knowledge and retaining knowledge through over learning

4. Developing a love of learning


Our curriculum is tailored to the needs, cohorts and diversity within our school community. Our curriculum empowers and enables our children to be ambitious, confident, independent and reflective learners, thus developing their knowledge across the curriculum. Through experiences, opportunities and questioning, we develop cultural capital for all learners so that they are prepared for junior school and beyond. 


We have designed our curriculum with the intention that our topics to be exciting and engaging, so that children have exposure to subject specific vocabulary and knowledge that enables them to think like scientists, historians, engineers, chefs, mathematicians etc




Our curriculum is implemented in the following ways to allow our children to achieve:

  • through clear strategic planning which draws on and uses a variety of resources, for some subjects, such as Read, Write Inc, Understanding Christianity, Purple Mash and White Rose Maths.
  • through small group work in phonics and English, enabling targeted learning, questioning and support.
  • allowing teachers to plan together in order to support progression, cohesion and consistency.
  • setting high expectations to combine transferable skills, demonstrate a breadth of vocabulary and develop strong cross curricular links, encouraging pupils to 'Be the best they can be.'
  • classroom environments stimulate and engage quality thinking and reasoning through displays, learning walls and readily available resources.
  • active marking, response and mini reviews is an opportunity for children to reflect on their learning and respond with clarity and understanding of next steps in their work
  • high quality daily interventions, pastoral support for vulnerable pupils including EAL to ensure no child is left behind.
  • through enrichment opportunities including enrichment afternoons and clubs
  • through a focus on children's mental health and well-being
  • each classes Favourite Five, daily reading for pleasure as well as specific taught reading opportunities in order to promote fluency, as well as a love of reading. 





Pupils are developing knowledge across the curriculum. They are knowing more, remembering more and can do more. We know this because the impact of our curriculum shows that by the end of each year, the vast majority of pupils should have achieved a Good Level of Development (EYFS) or achieved age related expectations; (Year 1 and 2) some pupils have greater depth of understanding.  Pupils have made rapid improvements in phonics and reading outcomes based on high-quality teaching and tailored interventions. Children are able to recall knowledge, particularly the vocabulary that they have learnt  identifying this through flashbacks and low stakes testing. Subject leaders monitor their subject closely through learning walks, book looks and talking to pupils about their learning.
