Transfer to Year 3 School
This takes place in the September following a child’s seventh birthday. Children may transfer to any Junior/Primary school of their choice providing places exist and parents must apply for a place online. Local children normally take priority. Applications open in November with a closing date of the following January. National offer day is in April.
Arrangements for applying have recently changed by the Admissions Department at Lincolnshire County Council. In the first instance, you may only apply for a junior school (eg Manor Leas Junior Academy). If you wish to apply for a primary school (eg The Meadows Primary School, Sir Francis Hill Primary School) then this can now be done in April.
Our local junior school is Manor Leas Junior Academy.
Whichever school you choose for your child in Year 3, we will ensure that the transition process is as smooth and as stress free for both your child and you. Teachers from our feeder schools will visit your child in our classrooms, talk to your child’s teacher and will invite your child to spend time at their new school to meet their new teachers and new friends. Parents information meetings will be held by the new schools for you to attend.
The Local Authority have produced a document entitled “Going to School in Lincolnshire” which lists all available schools and is available by following the link in the More Information section below. Where transport is necessary to attend the school of your choice which is not the local school, then parents must meet the cost themselves.
Information about applying online for a place at the Junior School of your choice will be given out in November of your child’s Year Two year. Parents are advised to visit the school before making a choice. Children will normally be invited to visit their new school during the summer term to put their minds at rest over the move to their next school.
We are happy to help or answer any questions you may have here in school.
Please telephone us on 01522 520591 and we will be happy to help.