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Click here to see our class caterpillars grow

Usually at this time of year in Nursery we enjoy watching our class caterpillars grow and turn into beautiful butterflies.  As we are not in school, the caterpillars are staying safely at home with Mrs Parker.  Visit this page every week to see how they are growing and learn all about how they turn into butterflies.  Enjoy watching a real life story! smiley

Week 7

We have butterflies!

This one below has just emerged from its chrysalis. This butterfly moved from the lid towards the flower. The wings of the butterfly take two hours to fully form and harden.

These ones are getting stronger moving around on the bottom of the habitat. They will feed on a sugar solution (nectar) which I will sprinkle on flowers leaves, fruit pieces and tissue.

You can see the colours on the wings of this butterfly who is getting ready to leave the safety of the habitat.  Like all insect butterflies have six legs, they also have two antennae.           

Adult lady butterflies live for two to five weeks they feed, mate, lay eggs and begin the amazing butterfly life cycle again (metamorphisis).             

This one has climbed to the top I opened up the habitat but he decided to stay and climbed back in. Maybe tomorrow!

This is the first one to fly the habitat landing on some flowers to gain strength ready to fly and explore the world.


Remember butterflies are important members of our environment.

These butterflies are called painted ladies they are native to Canada, the united States, Europe, Asia, Africa and even Iceland!

Week 5 and Week 6

I have transferred the chrysalides into the hatching habitat in preparation for the emergence of the butterflies. The chrysalides have hardened and turned dark.

It normally takes 7 to 14 days for the butterflies to emerge so keep watching. smiley

Week 4

These caterpillars are the last ones making their way to the top to get ready for the next stage of becoming a painted lady butterfly.

These caterpillars have reached the top and are shedding their exoskeletons in preparation for becoming a chrysalides. It is important not to disturb the pots at this time as so much is happening.


These ones were the first to turn into chrysalides and you can see the gold colour through the outer layer. They are hardening in preparation to be moved into the hatching habitat. Keep watching……….

Week 3

There are still some small caterpillars in this pot but we know that an amazing transformation will be taking place soon.  Keep watching!

The caterpillars are much longer and hairier in these pots. They are moving a lot in the day and heading for the top of the pots. You can see their exoskeletons really well now too.

In this pot one caterpillar has made the “J” shape that we are looking for and there are two more also heading for the top of the pot. The one that has attached himself to the lid is very still now, he is hardening into a chrysalis.

Week 2

There is a pot with small caterpillars in, they are still feeding well but growing slower which is ok as they all grow at different rates just like other animals and humans. They shed their exoskeletons several times as they grow. You may notice little black balls they are the skins that have already been shed.

In this pot most of the caterpillars have made their way to the top. They will hang in a ‘j’ shape, shed their exoskeletons one last time, and harden into a chrysalides.

In this pot they are making their way to the top. They will attach themselves to a paper disc under the lid.       

Week 1

Our caterpillars are feeding well moving around more now. Keeping them warm and out of direct sunlight. I have counted 15. Keep checking them weekly to see their progress.
