We look forward to working together and hope to have lots of fun this year.
We are Year 2
If you would like to ask any questions then please do come and talk to us.
Mrs Lees and Mrs O'Halloran
Our topic this term is....
'Our Wonderful World'
The Dolphin class have been designing and making their own dream birds for their imaginary gardens #jigsaw#teamwork
Dolphin class have had a fantastic number day with a whole school together time, a ‘who wants to be a Mathionnaire quiz’ and cracking subtraction codes together! #numberday2025
Our writing this week has been based on The Polar Express. To fuel our imaginations we made our very own Polar Express train in the classroom, complete with hot chocolates and marshmallows 🚂
Last year in the Dazzling Dolphin Class.......
Some super science experiments outside in the sunshine for Year 2 Dolphins this afternoon.
What a great afternoon evaluating our findings from our Plant investigation. We also measured the plants in the sunlight and the ones in the dark.
What a busy morning in the Dolphin class! Measuring in Maths and independent story writing. Well done Dolphins!
World Book Day!
We are enjoying our Science learning all about animals and their habitats in Year 2.
Thank you @paulcooksonpoet. What a great morning! Dolphin class are very inspired to have a go at writing their own poems!
We are privileged to have been visited by the Mayor as part of his birthday celebrations this week.
As a part of the Dolphin’s science learning, we are doing an experiment to see which plants grow healthier in the light or dark. Great work Dolphins!
Fantastic computing club today creating our own moving pictures.
Dolphins are excited and ready for a great #NumberDay !!!
This morning, in maths, Year 2 are making equal groups of objects in their multiplication topic.
In Year 2 Science we are exploring all the different parts of plants. We are identifying roots, leaves and seeds.
Today Seahorses, starfish and Dolphins had a virtual visit from Claire Freedman, author of Aliens Love Underpants! The children asked some great questions.
Today KS1 have been remembering the names of the different armour pieces a knight wore by designing there own knight Barbie!!
Growing with Branston Potatoes
World Book Day
We love books! We visited our local library as part of our World Book Day celebrations. We really enjoyed looking at all the new books.
We are ready for the Christmas fayre in Dolphin class! We have loved getting everything ready.
We are busy making our Christmas toys ready for the Christmas fayre in Dolphin class!
We’ve had a fabulous start to our terrific textiles week in the Dolphin classroom!
Creating a marbling effect using shaving foam and paint- VERY fun and VERY messy!
We have been thinking about the Christian creation story this afternoon. We know the order of creation and made a creation paper chain!
Making, testing and evaluating wind vanes today in Year 2 science
Dolphin Class are very happy with their scarecrow which we made for the Doddington Hall scarecrow competition.
We had great fun earlier in the week, recycling our old paper into new seed paper to plant.
In the Dolphin classroom We have made our own recycle stop-motion movies inspired by our book ‘Somebody Crunched Colin’.
Some tricky counting backwards today in year 1! We enjoyed counting down to blast off our rockets.
We have been getting messy this afternoon in Dolphins, dripping, splatting and spraying our paint to make Jackson Pollock inspired art!
Year 1 have enjoyed some fun, active maths this morning! Roll the dice, find the number and jump to count on until we reach 10! We are maths superstars.
Abstract art and concentrating faces this afternoon in the Dolphin classroom!
We have had a great afternoon in Dolphins hunting for minibeasts and discussing their habitats.
Our topics this year .........
Last year in the Dazzling Dolphins Class .......
To kick start our ‘Green Fingers’ topic in KS1 we had Jackie from Branston Produce
come and plant potatoes with us! We are very excited to watch them grow and harvest them later in the year.
We loved our first tennis lesson with Lincoln City Football Foundation. ☺
In Year 1, we have made a great start to our new unit, Multiplication and Division in our toolkit lesson ! we are prepped and excited to start our learning!
Today in RE, we learnt all about Sukkot and what Jews are thankful for. We got to try traditional bread and honey and even made our own miniature Sukkahs!
Yesterday morning, we received the brand new books we picked out from Waterstones Book shop. We are feeling very lucky and cannot wait to get reading!
We are so proud of our 3D rainforest models complete with 3D clay animals and labels for each layer!
An absolutely perfect morning sharing children's art week work and showcasing all their learning, knowledge and talents. Thank you to parents for coming.
In KS1, We’ve been creating our own land art inspired by Andy Goldsworthy
This afternoon we have been designing and making our own positive thinking hats! #ourmindsmatter
In Literacy and language we had a snowball fight! We had to find a snowball, read the word and decide if it was a common or proper noun!
If we have any worries- what do we do?? Talk about them and use our worry monster of course!!!!!
We are ready to start our new maths topic tomorrow in year 1 #addition
Some of the children enjoying our new way to discover stories in the Dolphin classroom! #readingforpleasure#audiostories Year 1 have also enjoyed computing today, exploring the music tools!
We are going on a sense hunt in Science this week. We have used all of our senses to discover things around school.
A new certificate in celebration Together Time this week- some of our superstar Mathematicians.
Today in science, year 1 and 2 have been identifying and classifying different fruits. We used our senses to help us.