Bracebridge Infant and Nursery School
October 2023
Dear Parents/Carers
A HUGE thankyou to the parents/carers who took the time to complete our parent questionnaire during our Parent Consultation meetings before half term.
We have had 37 responses (65%) ranging from Reception to Year 2. We are delighted with the positive comments given to us about the Quality of Education, Behaviour, Personal Development and Leadership here at Bracebridge.
We are delighted that 100% of parents surveyed would recommend our school to another parent. Everything, we strive to do is to ensure our children are provided with the best possible opportunities to ‘Be the Best they can be! ’
We cannot do this alone and need your help. So thankyou for your continued support!
A summary of the results are detailed below:
Consider the statements and tick the box which matches your opinion
Strongly agree |
Tend to agree |
Tend to disagree
Strongly disagree |
Don’t know N/A | |
1 | My child is happy at this school | 97% | 3% | - | - | - |
2 | My child feels safe at this school
| 95% | 5% | - | - | - |
3 | There are a good range of subjects and opportunities available for my child at this school | 92% | 8% | - | - | - |
4 | My child is well looked after at this school
| 97% | 3% | - | - | - |
5 | My child is taught well at this school
| 91% | 6% | - | - | - |
6 | My child can take part in clubs and activities at this school | 89% | 5% | 3% | - | 3% |
7 | This school makes sure its pupils are well behaved | 91% | 6% | - | - | 3% |
8 | This school deals effectively with bullying | - | 5% | - | - | 95% said never experienced |
9 | The school has high expectations for my child
| 92% | 8% | - | - | - |
10 | This school responds well to any concerns I raise
| 92% | 8% | - | - | - |
11 | The school makes me aware of what my child will be learning about | 95% | 5% | - | - | - |
12 | I would recommend this school to another parent
| 100% | - | - | - | - |
Things we do well.
Things we could improve
You said ……. | What we did/are doing/have done |
Less confined space pick up and drop off for children and parents ( cant be helped) | We have agreement from the Bud Robinson Centre for parents to park their cars free of charge to alleviate space on Ewart Street. We advise parents not to arrive before 8:45am and to use the Bud Robinson Community Centre if driving, if walking, please do not arrive before 8:45am Parents are encouraged to walk from the Bud Robinson and not park on Ewart Street. We have had the yellow school markings re done outside the school gates to designate a school NO PARKING zone. We are working with the County Council to further alleviate any parking issues/breaches |
Safety on way to school-cars near gate , other parents dropping off children right in front of the gate in car- no space for prams to get past | As above |
To go all the way to Year 6 | If only we could! |
As always, thankyou for your continued support in working with us to provide the best possible education for your child here at Bracebridge.