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Art and Design



At Bracebridge Infant and Nursery School, it is our intent to build an Art and Design curriculum which develops learning and results in the acquisition of knowledge and skills. In the EYFS, it is a priority to continue to close the vocabulary gap by immersing pupils in tier 1, 2 and 3 language related to art, as well as giving them opportunities to explore a variety of mediums, materials and techniques. 


In KS1, we continue to expose the pupils to vocabulary that allow them to talk ‘like an artist’ as well as learning new knowledge, skills and a wider range of techniques; so that pupils know more, remember more and can do more


Much of our art and design work is cross-curricular, linking to our topics.  Pupils study the work of chosen artists, learning key facts about their life and the techniques that made them famous.  The intent is to provide visual, tactile and sensory experiences in a special way, enhancing understanding and responding to the world in order to enable children of all abilities to communicate what they see, feel and think through the use of colour, texture, form, pattern and different materials and processes. It is our aim that all our children take pride in their creative work and see themselves as artists. 




Our Art and Design curriculum is implemented through a skills based cross-curricular approach  designed to engage and immerse our children within topics which they may ordinarily have limited experience of.

  • We plan our Art and Design teaching linked to the topics being taught, whether using shading and drawing techniques to design their own superhero capes, or using work of artists such as Vincent Van Gogh or Picasso as a stimulus for their own painting.
  • The Art and Design skills progression document clearly identifies the specific knowledge and skill to be taught in each year group and the progression within each skill
  • In KS1 short term planning is developed from the medium-term plans.
  • Lessons incorporate the study of known artists and works of art.
  • Pupils are given feedback during lessons to support them in developing their work further.
  • In the EYFS art activities are planned as part of adult led learning when introducing new skills and linked provision is planned within learning through play to ensure pupils have opportunities to explore and practise these skills independently.
  • Assessment of skills happens on a lesson by lesson basis and this information is used to inform future lessons. The art and design skills ladder outlines clear expectations and progression of skills for each year group.
  • Pupils artwork is displayed in classrooms, along with photos or evidence of the processes involved in creating their final pieces.
  • We hold an annual themed Arts Week that includes a wide range of enrichment opportunities (including visiting artists and trips to local galleries). We hold an art exhibition each term to display and celebrate the artwork produced during our annual arts week and as part of our in school learning. Parents are invited to this exhibition.
  • Pupils develop their creativity and imagination by exploring the visual, tactile and sensory qualities of materials and processes. They learn about the role of art, craft and design in their environment. They begin to understand colour, shape and space and pattern and texture and use them to represent their ideas and feelings




Pupils in EYFS have their art work recorded on tapestry.  They are proud to take their creations home to share with their parents.  Leaders know that Pupils have learnt new skills, know more and remember more, by talking to Pupils about their work and ensuring that they are immersed in, and use the vocabulary that has been taught.  In KS1, children’s ideas, sketches, practise of skills and finished work (sometimes photographed) are recorded in their learning journey so that Pupils can look back on their work and see how it links to their topic.  Pupils talk to leaders, with their books, so that they can explain the learning journey, and use the language of an artist as they talk.  Pupils share their new knowledge and skills through authentic experiences, for example, art galleries, celebration assemblies, and displays of work within the school environment as well as in the local community, where possible.

By the end of the school year, pupils will achieve age-related expectations in art, retain knowledge about the focus artists studied, and will understand what it means to be an artist.


