Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Our school aims to meet the needs of each and every child, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), so that they may reach their full potential and enjoy their learning.
We strive to make Bracebridge Infant and Nursery School the best it can be, for our children, families and community, in order that everyone has the opportunity to achieve their full potential. The children in our family deserve the greatest possible experiences we can provide, allowing and encouraging them to create special memories. The building blocks that we put in place are the start of a bright and exciting future, one of exploration and enjoyment.
Children with Special Educational Needs (SEND) are additionally supported by our highly motivated staff.
Our school SENDCo (Special Education Needs and Disabilities Lead) is Stefanie O Halloran. She can be contacted via the school office or by email stefanie.ohalloran@bracebridge.lincs.sch.uk
Mrs O Halloran works closely with the Lincolnshire Additional Needs Team and attends SENDCo briefings and network meetings for up to date information.
The role of our SENCo
The SENDCo has the responsibility for overseeing and recording the provision in place for children with Special Educational Needs. They will monitor this intervention through careful updating and analysing of the school’s Provision Map. This will take place every term.
The Provision Map includes:
What is SEND?
Special Educational Needs covers four main categories of need. These include:
Whilst pupils will have a primary need identified from the list above, they may well have needs in other areas too. A child’s SEND needs are met in a holistic way to ensure that all needs are being addressed, supported, and met.
Admission Arrangements
Parents and carers of pupils with SEND are invited to meet with the SENDCo prior to their child attending Bracebridge Infant and Nursery School.
The child’s individual needs will be discussed and reports from outside agencies (if applicable) are shared to make sure that the school is as well informed as possible. Mrs O Halloran, along with the new class teacher can attend transition meetings with other school’s and nurseries to ensure that all information is passed on and that everyone is well informed on the individual needs of pupils. An individualised learning plan (ILP) is then actioned to ensure that the child is supported in the best possible way. Discussions will also be held to inform Parents and carers about further options available, if required.
This could be regarding Pupil Profiles, Health Care Plans, Behaviour Plans, Risk Assessments, Pastoral Support Plans or further referrals for outside agency support and advice.
Who is responsible for ensuring that pupils meet their full potential?
All staff at Bracebridge Infant and Nursery School support our work with SEND children. Your child’s class teacher holds the main responsibility to ensure that all pupils educational needs are being met.
Some staff, however, have specific duties:
Your first point of contact should usually be the class teacher, but you are very welcome to make appointments with Mrs O Halloran or Mrs Wilson, Head teacher.
Mrs Rice in the school office, will arrange an appointment .
How do we know which children might need extra help?
We gather information in a variety of ways:
- Liaison with parents and settings before your child starts with us
- Liaison with any outside agencies supporting a child *
- Observations of learning and behaviour in class by the class teacher
- Termly reviews of attainment and progress
-Discussions between parents/guardians and the class teacher
- Health reports from medical agencies or other outside services *
- Assessments undertaken by the SENDCO
- Assessments undertaken from the Specialist Teaching team *
-Information taken from the child’s EHCP (if applicable)
*Parental consent will always be sought before any other agencies are referred to. Parental engagement is key in order to ensure continued successful SEND provision
What experience and training do those who support my child have?
All staff at Bracebridge Infant and Nursery School are available and qualified to support all of the children. All staff have received training in the following areas;
In addition to the above individual members of staff have received further training to meet the needs of their role in supporting the children in school. This has included;
Who else may be involved in supporting my child?
If as a school and staff we feel additional support is required to help meet the needs of your child we work closely with the following outside agencies. This involvement would only take place with your consent.
These include:
This SEND information report is based on the statutory Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Code of Practice and the following legislation: