Healthy Living Workshops
Monday 29th January 2018
A-Life is a leading provider of Healthy Living Workshops. On Monday 29th January 2018 we are very pleased that a qualified Health-related Fitness Instructor from A-Life is coming to school to help further educate our children about the food they eat and the exercise they do through interactive activities that are accessible for all ages and abilities. The workshop involves fun team activities that are related to the National Curriculum. All activities are low impact and safe.
Following the visit from A-Life, children can take part in a fun, interactive online quiz. Children can log their healthy habits throughout the week and print a personalised certificate at the end showing their ‘health’ score and ‘brain’ score.
Parents and Children:
A-life will also be holding a Parent Workshop during the afternoon, focussing on healthy, active lifestyles and nutrition and we would like to invite you to attend along with your child. The A-Life fitness instructor will speak to parents as a group and try to answer any questions. Parents will then have the opportunity to see and try many of the workshop activities and your child is welcome to join you during this time. This parent session is being held 2.30 – 3.15pm.