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Christmas Tree Decoration Competition


As in past years we are asking children to make a decoration to hang on our school Christmas Tree.


 There will be a prize for one lucky winner in each class.


Every year we are amazed at the beautiful decorations that the children  make and our tree always looks fabulous!


Please bring decorations into school any time after

Thursday 1st December

when our beautiful Christmas tree

will be waiting to be decorated.





 Lincoln Christmas Sacks Appeal 

We are delighted to be supporting The Lincoln Christmas Sacks Appeal again this year.


The Christmas Sack Project, Lincoln receives referrals from social workers, family support workers, schools and other professionals who work with people who will be struggling financially to provide for themselves and their families this Christmas.  They then arrange for the workers or the families to come and choose some gift items for their children on a week in December. All the items have been donated from all over the city – it is amazing how generous people are.



If you would like to donate a gift, however small, to this amazing and supportive local community project:

  • We request that gifts are brand new or good quality second hand.
  • Gifts can be for boys or girls aged from birth to aged 17
  • Please bring any gifts into school by Monday 5th December 2022
  • All gifts should please not be gift wrapped. Thank you.


Further details and pictures of the project can be found at


We hope that you will join us in supporting such

a worthwhile cause at Christmas time and

thank you in advance for your kindness.

