Christmas Sacks Appeal 2019
We are delighted to be supporting The Bridge Church Christmas Sacks Appeal this year.
The project is quite simple. The church receive referrals from social workers, family support workers, schools and other professionals who work with people who will be struggling financially to provide for themselves and their families this Christmas. They then arrange for the workers or the families to come and choose some items for their children on a week in December. All the items have been donated from all over the city – it is amazing how generous people are.
We are therefore running a ‘giving tree’ scheme here in school as part of this project. We have a tree in the Reception Office with named gift tags (for example Boy Aged 5, Girls Aged 12) so that you can choose who you would like to donate a gift for. We request that gifts are brand new or good quality second hand.
Simply pick a tag, buy a gift and bring it into school by 13 December 2019. We ask that the gifts are not wrapped but have the gift tag attached.
We hope that you will join us in supporting such a worthwhile cause at Christmas time and thank you in advance for your kindness.