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Drawing Club


Drawing Club is a true adventure and perfect for Reception and Year 1, though it can be adapted for Nursery and even as intervention in KS2. Based around the Golden Blend of picture books, tales and animations, it involves a short period of Time Together as a whole class followed by time with children exploring their ideas and creativity that can be adapted to how you believe is best.

Drawing Club puts you, the creative teacher, back at the centre of your teaching - no scheme, no syllabus, no set texts, but freedom to adventure with the concept and bring yourself and the world of story to life.

  • Immerse children in the world of story and show them the joy of who you are 
  • Share a treasure trove of vocabulary with children to open up the playground of language to them
  • Give yourself the opportunity to create a library of progress that can be astonishing
  • Develop children’s creativity and imagination to show them that they are extraordinary 
  • Give your children age-appropriate practice that is highly engaging and grounds children in the joy of book snuggling.
